A selection of high quality works will be recommended to the Special Issue on Geocomputation for Social Sciences. In recent years, there have been a lot of domestic and foreign research institutions on data science, and most of them focused on natural and social science or engineering data. However, it lacks of the research concerning geospatial theory based on the method of spatial analysis. With the development of Geographic Information Science and the urgent need for geospatial data in the era of big data, the research fields of spatial economics, spatial econometrics and spatial economic analysis have been developing rapidly, which show obvious global and multidisciplinary features.
We invite investigators to contribute original research articles, as well as review articles, to this Special Issue. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Theories and models of geocomputation for social sciences
New algorithms and architectures of geocomputation for social sciences
Multiple spatial interaction network analysis of geocomputation for social sciences
Spatiotemporal big data management of geocomputation for social sciences
Spatiotemporal data mining and intelligent service of social geography information
Exploratory spatiotemporal analysis of social geography information
Accuracy and uncertainty of geocomputational models for social sciences
Geostatistics, spatial statistics, and spatial econometrics
Applications of geocomputation for social sciences (in health, medical informatics, urban studies, criminology, transportation, etc.)
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be submitted online (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tgsi) and are refereed through a peer-review process. All accepted manuscripts will be published on GSIS with Open Access (OA) for free. All article publishing charges (APC) will be covered by Wuhan University, so you can enjoy the benefits of open access at no cost.
30 November 2018, submission deadline
Sep. - Dec. 2018, paper review
Mar. - Apr. 2019, publication
Editorial information
Special Issue Guest Editor: Jianya Gong, Wuhan University, China (gongjy@whu.edu.cn)
Special Issue Guest Editor: Luc Anselin, University of Chicago, USA (anselin@uchicago.edu)
Co-editor: Xinyan Zhu, Wuhan University, China (xinyanzhu@whu.edu.cn)
Co-editor: Shuming Bao, University of Michigan, USA (sbao@umich.edu)
Designated Contact Editor: Yuanzheng Shao, Wuhan University, China (yshao@whu.edu.cn)