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德国宇航中心主任Mihai Datcu教授来我组访问交流
  Professor Mihai Datcu visited the Lab

        2016年10月13日,德国宇航中心主任、国际知名遥感专家Mihai Datcu教授应邀来访,并作题为《Information Mining of Remote Sensing Images》的学术报告。实验室夏桂松教授主持,张良培教授出席,数十名师生一同聆听了Mihai Datcu教授的精彩报告。

        Mihai Datcu教授首先对当前国际遥感技术的发展做了简要分析。围绕遥感技术在高精度制图、城市变化检测等应用中面临的难点问题, Mihai Datcu教授指出了数据挖掘、特征提取在遥感大数据时代的重要意义,并为大家具体介绍了他在数据挖掘、特征提取等方面的近期研究成果。

        报告结束后,听众讨论热烈,Mihai Datcu教授认真解答了听众的提问。

       Mihai Datcu教授简介: Mihai Datcu is Senior Scientist and Image Analysis research group leader with the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) of DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen. He has been Professor holder of the DLR-CNES Chair at ParisTech, Paris Institute of Technology, Telecom Paris. He initiated the European frame of projects for Image Information Mining (IIM) and is involved in research programs for information extraction, data mining and knowledge discovery and data understanding with the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, and in a variety of national and European projects. He is a member of the ESA Big Data from Space Working Group. He and his team have developed and are currently developing the operational IIM processor in the Payload Ground Segment systems for the German missions TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, and the ESA Sentinel 1 and 2. He is the author of more than 200 scientific publications, among them about 60 journal papers, and a book on number theory. He has served as a co-organizer of International Conferences and workshops, and as guest editor of special issue on IIM of the IEEE and other journals. He received in 2006 the Best Paper Award, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Prize, in 2008 the National Order of Merit with the rank of Knight, for outstanding international research results, awarded by the President of Romania, and in 1987 the Romanian Academy Prize Traian Vuia for the development of SAADI image analysis system and activity in image processing. He is IEEE Fellow.